An appeal for new PC Members from your Parish Clerk
The Parish Council is hoping to co-opt another new member shortly, however we will still have two vacancies for anyone interested in becoming a councillor.
Whenever a vacancy occurs, parishioners have the opportunity to contact TVBC to request an election. If no election is called, the PC can fill any vacancies by co-option. We currently have two vacancies ready to be filled by co-option.
The Parish Council are a friendly bunch with a passion for your parish and wanting to get things done. I have been the Clerk for over a decade, and many of our members are long-serving too. If you are interested in joining, we would love to hear from you!
Not sure it’s for you? Why not come along to a PC meeting or two, and find out what’s involved!
The Parish Council sets the annual Precept, and provides important services for local people: playground, cemetery, allotments, and nature reserve for example. The PC is also a planning consultee for local planning.
Training (optional, but encouraged) is available for councillors, and support will be provided by the Clerk, your council colleagues, as well as Hampshire Association of Local Councils, a body affiliated to the National Association of Local Councils.
All councillors retire after a four-year term, but casual vacancies may arise in the intervening period, which is a useful way of seeing if you like being a Councillor for a shorter period before the next election.
If you want to do more for your community, please consider becoming a Parish Councillor.
For more information, please contact the Clerk
I look forward to hearing from you!