Longparish Cemetery
Longparish Cemetery is managed by the Parish Council.
We have all the records that we have been able to find for the village cemetery online. This includes a copy of the Burial Register and a Map of burials. Please note that the most recent records may be missing.
Arrangements for burials or the erection of memorials should be made with the Clerk to the Parish Council, using the form at the bottom of this page or by email at cemetery@longparish.org.uk
Plan of the cemetery
You can download a searchable PDF of a plan of the cemetery that contains all the information we have about who is where.
Please be aware that the plan has been typed in from an old paper copy that gets progressively less helpful the older the grave is.
Register of Burials
There is a nearly-up-to-date searchable summary of the Register of Burials (PDF) available here.
Register of Burials 1924-1973
We have scanned in the Register of Burials between 1924 and 1973. Alas, it isn’t searchable and is not a thing of great beauty as the pages are bigger than Davids scanner when he did it.
Cemetery Regulations
Download the latest Cemetery regulations. Last updated February 2021.
Cemetery Charges
Here are the latest Cemetery charge. Last updated February 2023.
Get in touch
Arrangements for burials or the erection of memorials should be made with the Clerk to the Parish Council using the form below or by email at cemetery@longparish.org.uk
Download Forms
Here you can download various forms and documents in different formats (ODT, DOC, PDF).
Notice of Interment
Memorial Application
The Pillans plot
Following an enquiry about the plot where Mr James Mowbray and Mrs Edith Mary Pillans were buried, the CttBB captured the following pictures of the plot and produced a schematic highlighting it.