Longparish Community Association (LCA) is a membership organisation founded by the village in 2006. Our Registered Charity Number is 1113832. Our aims are to enhance the lives of the people of Longparish by providing opportunities for recreation and leisure.
What is the LCA?
The Longparish Community Association acts as an umbrella organisation, offering support for people wanting to start a group or activity in the village and for existing village organisations.
We can provide banking facilities, start-up loans, grants for equipment, cash flow support, public liability insurance and grants for group organisers to attend training to run their own activities. This includes MiDAS training for people prepared to drive a minibus to support community activities.
There is a separate section here about the benefits we offer our Affiliates.
Please see the Legal & Admin section for more documents, information and policies.
As a member of LCA, or an Affiliate club, you can also borrow from a range of equipment held by LCA. Most items are free, although we ask for donations for some of the larger items to help maintain them.
Who’s involved?
LCA Management Committee and Trustees
Matt Doughty-Jones - Treasurer & Joint Chair
Jo Barnard - Joint Chair
Andy Jolliffe
Andrea Hulme
James McWalter
Christian Dryden - Lunch Club
Andrea Harris - Lunch Club
Jenny Jolliffe - Coffee Morning
Sylvia Crook - Beer Festival

How can I get involved or join the LCA?
Join LCA as a member whether or not you live in Longparish for just £1 a year. Just complete the form.
Individual donations to the LCA can be eligible for Gift Aid. If you are a UK tax payer and qualify for Gift Aid, please also download and complete this form.
Group Affiliation
Voluntary and non-profit organisations based in Longparish wishing to support the aims and activities of the LCA can become Affiliate Members for £5 per year.
We have a Facebook page to keep you up to date with what's going on. Or join our Facebook Group, where you can post things yourself.

LCA Tents & Equipment
We have a selection of tents and equipment that is owned by the Community Association, who are keen to make it available for use within our community. Local organisations affiliated to the Community Association are welcome to use the equipment free of charge (although obviously any donations to go towards the cost of equipment replacement would be gratefully received).