Booking the Village Hall

To book the hall, please contact Maggie Barber on 07748 322533 or email

  • 22 February 2022

    Please keep windows open when the hall is in use as good ventilation is essential for reducing transmission of Covid-19 and other viruses. Please don't forget to shut them when you leave.

    Please do not enter the hall if you have Covid or flu-like symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid in the previous seven days. If you have symptoms you should self-isolate immediately even if you’ve had one or more doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.

    The Government advises that you should wear a face covering in crowded and/or enclosed spaces.

    Hand sanitiser is available in the hall for you to use.

You must read the Conditions of Hire before you make a booking

Booking Form (Word document): download and fill in on your computer, save, then email to Maggie.

Please select Resident or Non-Resident/Commercial below to see our hire rates.