About the Parish Council

We work together to serve and help make decisions on behalf of our community. 

The Parish Council has ten members and is elected every four years, most recently in 2023.

The Council normally meets in the Meeting Room at the Village Hall at 7.30pm on the second Monday of every month except August.  The Annual Parish Meeting is held in March or April and the Annual Meeting of the Council (when officers and committees are elected) is in May.

The times and the agenda of each meeting are posted on the notice boards by the village shop and in Forton about a week before the meeting.

Parishioners are welcome to attend any meeting, and time is made available for them to voice any concerns.

Those interested in serving on the Parish Council are  welcome to attend meetings, and should ask the Clerk for advice on election procedures.

Our Borough and County Councillor David Drew tries to attend Council meetings, attends when his busy schedule permits.

The Council employs a part-time Clerk to deal with all correspondence, take minutes, and execute Council decisions. You can contact the Clerk, Sally Lawman at sally.lawmanpc@longparish.org.uk